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What are the signs of depression in men?

Depression is a very common mental disorder that affects both men and women. However, the symptoms are different for men than for women. The symptoms of depression in men are quite different from the symptoms of depression in women. Let’s find out what are the signs of depression in men.

Loss of interest in activities

If you have lost interest in your favourite pastimes, then you must be suffering from depression. This is one of the first signs of depression in men. When you lose interest in something that you used to enjoy, then it is a sign of depression in men. You must try to find the reason behind it. If you can’t find any, then it is definitely a sign of depression in men.

Changes in eating and sleeping patterns

Depression in men is one of the main reasons why people eat or sleep too much or too little. There is a difference between normal eating and eating because of depression.

Depressed people tend to eat or sleep more than their usual amount. They tend to eat more junk food or eat less nutritious food. They tend to skip meals or eat when they are not hungry.

Feelings of guilt

Guilt is a very common symptom of depression in men. It is not a good feeling to feel guilty about things that are not your fault. If you feel guilty about anything, then you must be suffering from depression.


Depression in men is one of the main reasons behind anger. It is a very common symptom of depression in men. You must control your anger if you have a tendency of getting angry easily.

Loss of sexual desire

If you are experiencing a loss of sexual desire, then it is a sign of depression in men. Most of men suffer from this problem as they are not aware of how to express their sexual desires to their partners. They start losing their interest in sex and that is when they realise that they are suffering from depression.

Problems with memory

If you are unable to remember things that happened in the past, then it is a clear sign that you are suffering from depression. You must take help from your family and friends to help you out of this problem


Sadness is one of the most common symptoms of depression in men. If you are sad all the time, then you must be suffering from depression.

Losing interest in socializing

Losing interest in socializing is a sign of depression in men. If you are not interested in socializing, then you must be suffering from depression.

Feeling of hopelessness

Depression in men is one of the main reasons for feeling hopeless. If you feel that there is no way out of your situation, then you must be suffering from depression.

Difficulty concentrating

If you are facing problems in your work, then it is a clear sign that you are suffering from depression. You must start working on your work and stop focusing on your emotions. If you are facing problems in your work, then you must talk to your boss.

Decrease in work productivity

You may not be able to understand what is causing this problem. But this is a very important symptom. If you are unable to work for a long period of time, then it is a clear indication that you are suffering from depression. You must contact your doctor and discuss the matter.


Depression is one of the biggest problems faced by men, but there are several ways to treat it. So, if you are suffering from depression, then don’t hesitate and talk to your doctor.



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