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The Best Short Hairstyles For Women

FAQ about Short Haircuts
Do you look older or younger with short hair?

Some short haircuts can make women look older or younger, depending on the situation. For example, very short cuts with a lot of hair on the back or feathers that stand out too much have been out of style for decades, so people who wear them immediately look older. And you can look younger if you have short hair with a soft fringe or a lively texture that goes with the shape of your face.

How can I tell if short hair would look good on me?

Using a ruler and a pencil, you can figure out if short hair would look good on you. Place the pencil horizontally under your chin and the ruler vertically under your ear as you stand in front of the mirror. If there is less than 5.5 centimeters between your ear and the pencil, you can try short hair.

What length should I make my hair?

Before you cut your hair and decide how short it should be, there are a few things to think about. First, you can use a ruler and a pencil to do the 5.5 cm test. Second, decide how much length you are willing to lose and which style will make you feel the most comfortable. Lastly, think about how you like things to look.

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