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Shazam: Music Discovery

Shazam: Music Discovery

Version: 13.32.0-230525

Updated: May 26, 2023

Size: 51.2 MB

Category:  Music

Shazam is a revolutionary mobile application that gives users the ability to identify music playing around them instantly. Launched in 2002, Shazam has grown into a globally recognized app with over 1 billion downloads worldwide. What started as a simple yet innovative idea, has now turned into an essential tool for music lovers, helping them rediscover a tune they just heard or explore new music.

The app uses a sophisticated algorithm to create a digital fingerprint of the song being played and matches it to a vast database containing millions of tracks. With a single tap, Shazam quickly processes the audio input and returns the song title, artist, and other relevant information. As a result, Shazam has enhanced the way we experience music and has bridged the gap between us and the world of melodies around us.

Features of Shazam

Shazam offers a variety of features designed to improve the overall music discovery experience. Within 100 words, Shazam allows users to identify songs, save their search history, browse popular and trending tracks, view lyrics and music videos, and explore artist biographies or discographies.

  • Song identification

Shazam’s core feature enables users to quickly identify songs playing around them, providing a seamless and accurate experience.

  • Search history

Shazam saves users’ song recognition history, allowing them to revisit previous discoveries effortlessly.
Popular and trending charts: The app presents curated lists of popular and trending songs in various genres, promoting musical exploration.

  • Lyrics and music videos

Shazam displays real-time lyrics for identified songs and offers direct links to the associated music videos.

  • Artist biographies and discographies

Users can dive deeper into the world of their favorite artists and explore their complete body of work.

Apps Like Shazam


SoundHound is an app that can not only identify songs but also recognize humming or singing. Its LiveLyrics feature displays synchronized lyrics as the song plays, while the app also offers personalized playlists, charts, and direct YouTube links for music videos.


Musixmatch’s primary focus is on providing synced lyrics for millions of songs. However, it also has a song identification feature, allowing users to discover and recognize music around them. Additionally, Musixmatch offers a floating lyrics widget and lets users create and share lyric cards.


MusicID is a simple yet powerful music identifier app that can recognize songs playing around the user. It provides detailed information about the song, including album art, genre, and release year. While it may not offer as many features as Shazam, it remains an efficient tool for music recognition and exploration.

Shazam: Music Discovery



51.2 MB

May 26, 2023



Apple Inc.

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