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How to Cancel Netflix Subscription – Easy Guide

Streaming platforms are all the craze these days. In fact, with the overwhelming number of online streaming platforms like Netflix, it’s only natural that you might feel the need to downsize your content consumption.

There are many reasons why someone might want to cancel their Netflix subscription. The process is quite simple, whether to cut costs or crack down on unauthorized password sharing. So if you’re thinking about canceling your subscription to Netflix, continue reading this article to find out how.

Step By Step: How To Cancel Netflix Subscription

  1. Launch your Netflix application on your phone
  2. Log into your account
  3. Click on your account at the top corner of the screen.
  4. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Account.’ This will allow you to access the account management page
  5. On this screen, you’ll find a button that says, “Cancel Membership.”
  6. Click on it
  7. When prompted, tap on ‘Finish Cancellation’ to confirm canceling your Netflix subscription.

If you make your Netflix subscription payments through another party, like the wireless carrier you are subscribed to, you will have to contact the company and ask them to stop your subscription.

Additionally, if you share your account with someone, consider changing your password after you have canceled your subscription. This way, the other people sharing your account cannot log in and restart your subscription.

How To Cancel Netflix On iOS

If you signed up to Netflix using your AppleID, follow these steps to cancel your subscription:

  1. Go to the settings application on your iPad or iPhone
  2. Click on the AppleID banner, which appears at the top of the screen
  3. Click on Subscriptions
  4. From the list of subscriptions, look for Netflix and click on it
  5. Select the “Cancel Subscription” option and confirm when you are prompted

How To Cancel Netflix Through A Web Browser

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to the official Netflix website
  3. Sign into your Netflix account
  4. At the top right side of the screen, click on the three horizontal lines
  5. From the drop-down menu, choose “Account.”
  6. Click on “Cancel Membership.”
  7. On the next screen, click on “Finish Cancelation” to confirm

How To Remove All Your Netflix Account Data

Even though you cancel your Netflix subscription, Netflix still has access to all your account information. For the past 10 months before your cancellation, whatever information is linked to your account is still available on the platform, such as account profiles, viewing history, and shows or movies you have added to your favorite list.

This information is there so that should you decide to renew your subscription, your previous account is still accessible, and you can continue from where you left. Do note that after the 10 months, all the information that Netflix once saved will also disappear.

However, if you wish to erase all traces of your Netflix account without having to wait out the 10 months, you can follow these steps:

  • Follow the previous steps to cancel your Netflix subscription
  • Open your email account. Ensure that it is the email ID linked to your Netflix account.
  • Compose a mail stating that you want your information removed
  • Send the mail to “[email protected]

Now you have to wait for the helpdesk to respond to you. Follow whatever steps are prompted by them moving forward.

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