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Genshin Impact – Lantern Rite

Genshin Impact - Lantern Rite

Version: iOS

Updated: November 18, 2020

Size: 2.6 GB

Category: Adventure


Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game developed and published by Chinese game developer miHoYo. The game was released in September 2020 and quickly gained a massive following around the world. One of the major events in the game is the Lantern Rite festival, which takes place during the Chinese New Year. This event is highly anticipated by players each year and offers exciting new content and features. The Lantern Rite event is known for its stunning visuals, engaging quests, and unique rewards, making it one of the most popular events in the game.

Editor’s Review & How To Play

During the Lantern Rite event, players can participate in various activities and quests to earn rewards and special items. These activities include lighting lanterns, solving puzzles, and battling challenging enemies. The event also features a special shop where players can purchase exclusive items and gear. The Lantern Rite festival is a celebration of Chinese culture and tradition, and the game developers have made sure to incorporate many elements of the holiday into the event. With its engaging gameplay and stunning visuals, the Lantern Rite event is a great opportunity for players to experience the rich world of Genshin Impact and immerse themselves in the game’s immersive story and characters. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the game or a newcomer to the world of Genshin Impact, the Lantern Rite event is a must-play for all mobile gamers.

Link provided by Google Play

Link provided by App Store

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